Program Learning Outcomes for Chinese
By the time they graduate, Chinese majors should be able to:
1) Utilize Chinese foundation-level grammar and vocabulary to respond appropriately to spoken commands and questions and to communicate orally and in writing in language appropriate to specific Chinese social and cultural contexts, different situations, and registers (e.g., formal situations, casual conversation, etc.).
2) Summarize, paraphrase, and answer questions about the main message and supporting details of spoken and written Chinese texts on a wide range of general interest topics (such as daily life, personal interests and, to a lesser degree, work and current events) and at a minimum level of language proficiency approximately equivalent to Intermediate High as formulated in the ACTFL proficiency guidelines. (For reference, see:
3) Identify major literary, dramatic, and other cultural texts from all periods of Chinese history (both premodern and modern) and explain the connections between them.
4) Analyze literary, dramatic, and other cultural texts within their historical, global, social, religious, and political contexts.
Program Learning Outcomes for Japanese
By the time they graduate, Japanese majors should be able to:
1) Demonstrate the linguistic abilities bullet-pointed below at a minimum level of Japanese language proficiency approximately equivalent to JLPT N2 (, ACTFL Intermediate High to Advanced Low ( or CERF B1.2 to B2 ( with mastery of 1000-1200 kanji characters:
- Understand the main message and supporting details of spoken and written Japanese texts in formal and informal settings on general topics, and summarize, paraphrase, and answer questions about those texts.
- Use socio-culturally appropriate forms, styles, and linguistic politeness levels, orally and in writing, to respond to questions and commands, to make requests of others, and to convey information in a variety of situations (e.g., personal, interpersonal, presentational, etc.).
2) Identify major literary, dramatic, and other cultural texts from all periods of Japanese history (both premodern and modern) and explain the connections between them.
3) Analyze literary, dramatic, and other cultural texts within their historical, global, social, religious and political contexts.